
Telemedicine can be particularly useful in industrial facilities for several reasons:

Immediate Access to Medical Professionals:

In industrial settings, accidents or health issues can occur at any time. Telemedicine allows for immediate access to medical professionals, enabling swift response and intervention. This can be crucial in emergency situations where timely medical advice can make a significant difference.

Reduced Downtime:

Industrial facilities often operate on tight schedules, and downtime can be costly. Telemedicine can help reduce downtime by providing quick medical assessments and guidance without the need for employees to leave the facility. This can lead to faster recovery times and a quicker return to work.

Remote Consultations:

In remote or geographically dispersed industrial facilities, accessing on-site medical professionals may be challenging. Telemedicine allows employees to have remote consultations with healthcare providers, ensuring that they receive medical attention without the need for physical presence.

Preventive and Occupational Health Services:

Telemedicine can be used for regular check-ups, health monitoring, and preventive care. It can also support occupational health services by facilitating remote assessments of workplace conditions and their potential impact on employee health.

Cost-Effective Healthcare:

Telemedicine can potentially reduce healthcare costs by minimizing the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities. Employees can receive medical advice without incurring travel expenses, and it can contribute to more cost-effective health management for both employers and employees.

Health Monitoring and Data Collection:

Some telemedicine solutions include the capability to monitor health metrics remotely. This can be especially useful in industrial settings where continuous health monitoring can help detect early signs of health issues and contribute to proactive healthcare management.

Employee Well-being and Morale:

Knowing that healthcare support is readily available can positively impact employee well-being and morale. This can contribute to a healthier and more satisfied workforce, ultimately improving productivity and reducing absenteeism.

It’s important to note that while telemedicine offers numerous benefits, it should complement, not replace, traditional on-site occupational health and safety measures. Additionally, compliance with regulations and data security considerations should be carefully addressed when implementing telemedicine in industrial facilities.


Below you will find some of the solutions we offer for this area.


  • Automatically take measurements a specified time interval
  • Manual measurement download
  • SOS button
  • Fall detection
  • View Personal Health Record
  • Tele-consultation with a doctor

Advance case

  • <12 Lead ECG
  • HD Camera
  • Glucosometer
  • NiBP
  • Thermometer
  • Video Conf.
  • No medical Training
  • Rugged
  • Water Proof
  • Pictures
  • Videos

Basic case

  • ECG 12 abductions
  • SD camera
  • NiBP
  • Oximeter
  • Multiparameter
  • Thermometer
  • Video conferencing.
  • No medical training
  • Durable
  • Water proof
  • Pictures
  • Video